From disliking yourself to building confidence and self acceptance


What are you already good at ?  Where do you feel you are lacking and would like to improve ? How do you get better at the things that  you feel inadequate in and what is stopping you ?

Are you self critical ? Would you speak out loud to someone you care about, in the same inner voice that you use to berate yourself ?  Do you have an internal story about who you are, what you are worthy of and what you deserve ?  Did you know that you are most likely to receive what you believe you deserve ?  So if you believe you are unlovable, that is what will be reinforced to you by people around you (proving that your theory was right all along )!!  

So how do you learn to value yourself ? How do you change the story in your head so you manifest love, kindness and abundance, because that is what you truly deserve ? AND because ultimately the most important person in your world is you !

Man often becomes what he believes himself to be
— Mahatma Ghandi