From Unhealthy Relationships to Honesty and Loving

Do you find the same old problems crop up in your relationships? Do you end up feeling resentful, taken for granted or overlooked ? Or are you jealous, and insecure ? Perhaps you don’t allow someone to get too close ? or you are attracted to people who are not good for you ?

If you have been in a toxic relationship, you might be scarred and frightened to trust again. So how do you choose a partner ? And how can you become a better partner ?

How do you relate in a healthy way so that relationships thrive ? How do you believe deep down, that it is safe to love someone, and that you deserve love & kindness in your relationship ?

Learn the signs of an unhealthy relationship, and what to do if you find yourself in one.

Liberate yourself from your negative beliefs around love, so you can openly give and receive love in a healthy relationship without sabotaging things when they go well.

Changing your mindset so you are able to give and receive love in a healthy way, involves working on what you learnt about love as a child. We look at what you believe you deserve in relationships, deep down in your subconscious, which is probably not somewhere you have explored before. As we uncover layer after layer of beliefs and fears, we can eventually rewire your brain to understand what kind of love is good for you, to be open to receive that love without fear of being hurt, and to be feel confident that you can keep yourself safe by trusting your intuition and exerting your boundaries at all times. Once we have achieved all this, you will be ready to find ‘that person’ and I can assure you, that that person will be unlike any of your past relationship choices!

If you yearn to love someone and feel loved in a healthy way, but ‘that’ relationship is not happening for you, then please reach out. This will change your life.

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