From Depression to Feeling Lighter & Happy

Happier people have better relationships, live longer and earn more money.  So how do you attain that calm sense of well-being, so that whatever life throws at you, you remain positive ?

You have approx 60,000 thoughts a day. 95% of those thoughts are the same as the thoughts you had yesterday and the day before, and 80% of those thoughts are negative ! So it is little wonder that if you are already feeling down, negative thoughts can spiral quite quickly.

Low mood or depression can be debilitating, and everyone telling you ‘everything will be OK’, doesn’t help. If you have days when there is no incentive even to get out of bed, then nothing anyone says can change that.. Understanding the power of the mind, enables you to learn how to change your focus. Changing your focus means your repetitive thoughts are based less in the past and more in the future; a future of your choosing.

Techniques to reduce anxiety and affirm positive thinking can make a huge difference to your approach to daily life. Getting to the root of your depression and finding the triggers to those black days, can slowly change how you feel, so you can start to let light back in. I can help you to change your inner world for the better, so the world seems like a friendlier more manageable place and your focus is on a future that you are excited by rather than a scary bleak prospect that you dread.

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