From anxiety to feeling strong & resilient

Anxiety can lead to an inability to concentrate, inability to sleep, feeling sick, an increased heart rate , sense of doom, sense of overwhelm, constant worrying, low mood/depression, catastrophizing about the future, needing lots of reassurance, panic attacks (and many other symptoms)….. Anxiety can get increasingly worse and panic attacks often get more and more frequent.

Anxiety can affect us at any age but is very prevalent during teenage years and during menopause. This can be exacerbated by changes in hormone levels. In turn, diet has a huge impact on anxiety.

Social anxiety means worrying about going out in groups of people, feeling awkward when meeting new people and avoiding social situations.. Do you wish the floor would swallow you up because you can’t think of anything to say? Do you believe every one is judging you ? Do you feel boring, unintelligent or that everyone is better than you in some way ?

If you suffer from anxiety, the faster you get help, the faster you can stop it taking hold. I can help you calm your mind. Using EFT, we can find the root cause of your anxiety and stop the panic attacks for good.

Connection is also covered in the following topics :