

Did you know there are several ways people relate to each other in relationship ? Could you recognise the signs of an unhealthy relationship vs a healthy one ?  How do you relate ?   

Everyone models different styles in relationships at different times (so the picture isn’t black and white) but being aware of the behaviours and noticing when you are on the delivering or receiving end of an unhealthy relationship, can give you choices to change, or move away if that is right for you.  

Which style of attachment do you operate under ? and how did you develop that attachment style from childhood ?  Recognise manipulative behaviour, and healthy relating.  This is relevant to every one, whether you’re in a relationship, have avoided a relationship for some time, or are on the dating scene.  It is especially important for parents (or future parents) as understanding this topic, throws an important light on parenting from babies to young adults, and is a total game changer in how to bring up kids.

Don’t walk in front of me; I may not follow. Don’t walk behind me; I may not lead. Just walk beside me and be my friend.”
— Albert Camus
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