Who are you? What do you want from your life ? 


Have you ever considered your core values ?  What are the most important values within which you conduct your life every day, and what values do you expect from those you choose to have close to you ?  

Do you have a vision of how you would like you life to look in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years ?  How do you manifest that vision and create a life you want to live instead of one determined by your past or chosen for you by convenience or by others ?

What holds you back ?  Do you believe you will always be the person you are today ?  Or do you believe you can adapt, learn and grow.  How does your mindset impact your ability to design the  life you want ?  

You have probably made resolutions that have gone by the wayside, committed to things you have failed to see through to the end, and felt disappointed in yourself as a consequence.  So how do you live your life with purpose and direction ? And how do you practice positive thought, so that even when you do fail sometimes, you can dust yourself off, recalibrate and keep going ?

Happier people have better relationships, are more productive, have more fun and make more money !!!  

Learn to focus on your strengths,  change your outlook to positive, and embrace some joy. 

This is a lesson for life, at whatever age you are.  

Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
— Aristotle
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